Friday, 3 November 2017

A2 Homework

Research: where will your advert for the digipak appear? Kerrang? Mojo? Q?

You need to research the chosen magazine and include:

Screen captures of page examples of how/ where it will appear.

Write about other adverts for digipaks that are already advertised that suggest your advert would be well placed

Explain how and why this magazine is a good choice- consider audience [age/ gender/ class/ lifestyle] genres of music etc

Which institution produces this magazine? This institutional detail also needs researching and adding to this post eg Bauer? Development Hell?

Friday, 20 October 2017

Friday, 13 October 2017

A2 Homework

1] ensure your chirbit MP3 is uploaded to the blog and you have a list below it of all the changes you need to make to your planning.
2] Complete the shot list.

Monday, 9 October 2017

A2 homework

Make sure you have:
1. Responded to all comments [ marking & feedback] on your blog
2. Completed three in depth analysis of music videos that are of a similar artist and the same genre of song/ music video you intend to make
3. That your Flickr TA research 2 is completed
4. That your photoboard is posted with the comments.
5. That your soundcloud recording TA Research 3 Focus Group is uploaded and that there is a list of refelctions beneath it.

Monday, 2 October 2017

A2 homework

Post lyrics analysis
Update your ideas and also post your most recent music video analysis.

Look for specific digipaks and adverts that are of your chosen genre.
Make sure you use a range of technology to present research.
Complete the annotation of your lyrics

Friday, 29 September 2017

A2 Homework

Begin planning -arrange a meeting with your artist and go through the lyrics/ song choice and itinitial ideas.

Start taking photographs of your artist, locations, props, costume & make up for a photoboard.
Conduct another similar product research - consider what you are missing - instrumental shots? Camera movement? Framing?

Friday, 22 September 2017

A2 homework

1] Music video research - shot types and editing.

2] Research digipaks - make sure you look at layout and page furniture.

3] Post the digipaks and adverts you annotated in class - these will need scanning in.

Monday, 18 September 2017

A2 homework

Your initial ideas. Make sure lyrics are posted. Post the email asking for copyright. Keep researching music videos. Consider what you need to find out - look at opening establishing shots.

Friday, 15 September 2017

A2 Homework

Complete an analysis of music video - choose specific details to research eg mise en scene

Friday, 8 September 2017

A2 Homework

1] Read and edit all posts
2] Respond to comments on the blog
3] Respoind to marking and feedback
4] TA Research 1 - post your research conducted over the summer
5] TA Research Analaysis 1
6] Planning: developed ideas

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Moderators links to student blogs 2017

Dear Moderator- links to AS G321 and A2 G324 Media student blogs

Dear Moderator

We run a  combined 6th form college: The Vale Academy 44304 and Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. I have indicated which student belongs to which centre.

A2 G324 Advanced Production blogs and AS G321 Foundation Production.

There are 5  groups although all students have individual blogs.  There are 11 candidates in total.
All students work: Final products & planning, construction and evaluation is on the blog however, discs have been burnt and sent containing better quality copies of the music videos and ancillary tasks. 
For A2, the discs comprises the final music videos & ancillary tasks.

For AS, there are 11 candidates. The final pages of the magazines are on a disc as well as on the blogs. The disc contains jpgs of better quality.

For thinglink posts please hover cursor over the inserted image/page and the bubbles containing annotation will appear.

Many thanks
Miss S King

A2 G324: The Vale Academy 44305

1] Morgan Bullock 2302
2] Rhiandeep Chatha 2303
3] Indya Conway 1154
4] Caity Duggan 2316
5] Amy Johnson 2340
6] Lauren Sharpe 2387
7] Olivia Skerne  2388
8] Jessica Skinn 2389

A2 G324 : Sir John Nelthorpe  44303

1] Charlie Bradley 2010
2] Harry Ford  2032
3] Joseph Shepherd  2079

AS G321 Foundation Production Blogs.

There are 11 candidates. All students have individual blogs.

AS G321: The Vale Academy 44305

1] Indya Conway 1154
3] Rheanon Whatley [Green] 2206
5] Greta Matyziute  2234
6] Samuel Moverley 2236
7] Alexander Sherratt  2260
8] Bethany Vannet  2278
9] Robert Hall  2330
10] Kenza Hardy  5289

AS G321: Sir John Nelthorpe  44303
1] Sophie Evans 3032

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

A2 blog post order

From most recent:
Note to Moderator
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 2
Evaluation Question 3
Evaluation Question 4
Final Music Video
Final Ancillary Task 1: digipak
Final Ancillary Task 2: advert for the digipak
Drafts of ancillary products
Final TA research
Drafts of ancillary products and rough cut
Planning posts
Research posts

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

A2 Homework

1] Check again R&P
2] Print / post the ancillary products
3] Evaluation Q4 part 1/ Q2

Thursday, 12 January 2017

A2 homework

Ancillary products must be posted and printed by Thursday 19th

Evaluation question 3 for Thursday 19th

Monday, 9 January 2017

AS Homework due Fri 13th January

1] Correct Evaluation Q3
2] Meet the targets set for research & planning
3] Complete Q1 of the evaluation