Tuesday, 27 December 2016

AS Evaluation Homework

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Use all class notes and be evaluative- what would work for your media product and why? Consider all aspects and be as detailed as possible. Remember to look at exemplars on the blog if you are stuck!

Post title: Evaluation Q 3

Thursday, 8 December 2016

A2 Media homework

1] TA research of final music video
2] Q4 evaluation part 1 only Evaluate the technologies you used in the research and planning phase
DUE- first lesson back - post asap

Sunday, 20 November 2016

AS Homework set Friday 18th November 2016

1] Respond to all targets on your blog and on your feedback sheet

2] Analyse your TA research - use the class notes.

3] Write your dps article/ text; 1000 words word doc - font size 12/14 arial/ calibri or times new roman. This can be handed in Monday but must be handed in on Friday at the latest.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

AS Homework set Friday 11th Nov

Upload your photographs to your mac & flickr – remember the rules about memory card readers!
Post your favourite 9 on Flickr
You can then post
Target Audience Research: Photographs
 screen grab of images and comments on flickr . Remember to add how these affect your decision making. Have you changed your front cover image? Why?

Friday, 4 November 2016

AS Homework

1] Revisit posts indicated on the mark sheet - ensure all is up to date and detailed.
2] Slidely TA profile including explanation beneath. Use the handouts and you MUST refer to Blumler & Katz and McQuail.
3]Research - 3 front covers - exactly who is the TA and how do you know?

Thursday, 3 November 2016

A2 Homework

HOMEWORK 1: TA research How do people in your TA consume music videos? This can be a survey on facebook/ polldaddy/ paper – find out about how your TA consumes:

  • Music videos
  • Music in general
  • Do they download and from where
  • Do they buy cd’s?

HOMEWORK 2: check you have a minimum of 6 Research of music videos Editing/ transitions/ /camera movement, angles, framing/  locations / Costume, make up and props/ performance shots

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

AS homework

Check you have completed all previous posts/ homework.
Check you have responded to all comments
Research posts on: TA1 mastheads
Checking out the masthead
Locations used in existing magazines
Star images in magazines
Planning posts: Star Image
Embed thinglink dps research

Research DPS 3 - make sure this is really detailed - use ALL knowledge and learning.

Include: images, columns, language, register, semiotics [Barthes] colour, page furniture eg boxes, banners, lines; colour, representations [Dyer/ Mulvey/ Hall/ Perkins] , audience, institutional details, page numbers, pull quotes, stand firsts, drop capitals etc

Planning- initial ideas for photographs for : the front cover, the contents page and the dps.

Friday, 14 October 2016

AS Homework

Similar product research that is outstanding [ 4 front covers + 2 contents]
  • Read and respond to all comments on your blog. 
Post title : Planning: possible mastheads for my magazine
Post title: Research contents 3: ensure this one includes language and register. Also make sure you write about the overall layout eg size of images, width of columns how many columns? Are the images in line with the columns?

Extension research dps 2 of your chosen genre

Friday, 7 October 2016

AS Homework

1] Ensure all research posts end with the subheading
How this research has influenced my planning and creativity

-beneath this should be a list of what you have learnt/ what has inspired you

2] post the Research contents page 1 : prezi  [embed it]

3] Complete  front cover research 4
this should be on the genre you have chosen.

4] Post : Initial genre choice
what are the main conventions? Add a screen grab to show each?

5] Check you completed the post : Synergy, links and brand identity
In his one you should have uploaded a front cover and contents from the same issue and listed the conventions used that create a brand and synergy between the pages.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

A2 homework

Please ensure that by Tuesday you have posted and completed:

All similar product research of music videos must be completed

Planning: Beat script
Planning: Organisation of dates: equipment, actors, budget, locations, props and set design

Research: TA focus group – initial ideas - 2 posts here -1] images and the activity itself... 2] the uploaded recording plus analysis of findings - please list the changes you now need to make!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

A2 homework and study periods work

If you haven’t made a TA profile , do so.
Then consider and make a list of ways you are going to target / attract this audience.

If you have made a slidely – great! But you need to add a list of features beneath it….use this list.
Social group
TA Research 1 focus group initial ideas.
6 students [ 3/3] play song explain your ideas for each verse/ image/ narrative and record their responses on your phone. Put this up on the blog via technology eg soundcloud/ Chirbit/Online ConVert
TA research results and analysis and how this has affected your planning and creativity

MV research/ TA research/ Ancillary research – put into prezi/ emaze/ powtoon/ thinglink/ bubbl.us

ISSUES to address

Missing similar product research : you should have at least 8. Number your music video research posts. Read and respond to comments.
Missing research into digipaks/ adverts and the institutions that produce them.
No beat script
No full script
No Carol Vernallis
Post: Research conclusions: codes and conventions
List / copy and paste your findings [ this is why you should have lists]
Refer to: Goodwin, Vernallis, Todoroz, Propp, Dyer, Hall, Blumler & Katz, Perkins etc

Friday, 30 September 2016

AS Homework

Research the front cover of a music magazine of the genre you may wish to do.
Ensure you include:

  • terminology
  • theory
  • detailed and accurate analysis
Proofread and check it makes clear sense.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

A2 Homework

Similar product research - music videos and star image
Principle photography

Be ready for Tuesday!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

A2 Homework

Revisit comments
Add detail to posts eg intertextuality , data and figures for institutions re age/ gender etc
Similar product research
Research: spotify, Tubidy, soundcloud, Apple Music

Friday, 9 September 2016

AS Homework

Task 1- Bring in the codes and conventions ppt - email or usb

For task 2 - post images and your own explanation of at least one media institution eg Bauer

Bauer Media Group have a fantastic homepage and make great use of cross media convergence.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

A2 homework

Research :

  • music video: genre characteristics, shot types, framing, angles, mise en scene
  • promo packs
  • ancillary tasks

Monday, 11 April 2016

Dear Moderator- links to AS G321 and A2 G324 Media student blogs

Moderator - Links to the AS G321 and A2 G324 Media Blogs

Dear Moderator
We run a  combined 6th form college: The Vale Academy 44304 and Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. I have indicated which student belongs to which centre.

A2 G324 Advanced Production blogs and AS G321 Foundation Production.

There are three groups although all students have individual blogs.  There are 7 candidates in total.
All students work: Final products & planning, construction and evaluation is on the blog however, discs have been burnt and sent containing better quality copies of the music videos and ancillary tasks. 
For A2, the discs comprises the final music videos & ancillary tasks.

For AS, there are 13 candidates. The final pages of the magazines are on a disc as well as on the blogs. The disc contains jpgs of better quality.

For thinglink posts please hover cursor over the inserted image/page and the bubbles containing annotation will appear.

Many thanks
Miss S King

A2 G324: The Vale Academy 44305

1] Emily Cowling  1157    http://emilycowlinga2.blogspot.co.uk/
2] Lisa Heseltine  1183   http://lisaheseltinea2mediag324.blogspot.co.uk/
3] Luke Seddon  1239    http://lukeseddona2media.blogspot.co.uk/

A2 G324 : Sir John Nelthorpe  44303

4] Charlotte Beadle   9008    charlottebeadlea2media.blogspot.co.
5] Shane Jackson  9063       http://shanejacksona2mediag234.blogspot.co.uk/
6] Hannah McMinn  9079            http://hannahmcminnmediastudiesa2g324.blogspot.co.uk/
7] Jolie Quirke  9124     http://joliequirkea2media.blogspot.co.uk/

AS G321 Foundation Production Blogs.

There are 13 candidates. All students have individual blogs.

AS G321: The Vale Academy 44305

1] Emily Britcliffe    2296   http://emilybritcliffemedia.blogspot.co.uk/
3] Rhiandeep Chatha  2303 http://rhiannc.blogspot.co.uk/
9] Olivia Skern  2388   http://oliviasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/
10] Jessica Skinn  2389   http://jessskinnmedia.blogspot.co.uk/

AS G321: Sir John Nelthorpe  44303
11] Charlie Bradley   2010  http://charliebradleyasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/
12] Harry Ford    2032    http://harryfordasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/
13] Joseph Shepherd   2079   http://joeshepherdasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/

Thursday, 28 January 2016

A2 homework

Evaluation questions. Please ensure that the director's cut is completed by Fri 5th Feb

AS Media homework

Q 4 & 5

Q4 Who is the TA? Look back and refer to your earlier thoughts. You could even copy and paste what you did before and then evaluate if your TA has changed at all. If so- why? Consider creativity - how during planning and construction your creativity changed and developed.
Make this lively and interesting!

Q5 HOW does your magazine appeal to your TA? Consider: age, gender, sexuality, nationality, regionality, global, class, ethnicity.

Answering these questions may also help you to develop Q2 representations and Q3 institutions.

Due Thursday 4th Feb

Thursday, 21 January 2016

AS Homework

Q3 focus - institutions

Q4 focus- target audience profile.

You can do Q5 here too as you can put Q4 & 5 together if you wish.
Due Thursday 27th

A2 homework

Evaluation - you should have at least one question completed by Friday 28th.
Your ancillary tasks must be completed by Friday 21st.