We run a combined 6th form college: The Vale Academy 44304 and Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. I have indicated which student belongs to which centre.
A2 G324 Advanced Production blogs.
There are two groups. There are 4 candidates in total.All students work: Final products & planning, construction and evaluation is on the blog however, discs have been burnt and sent containing better quality copies. For A2, the disc comprises the final music videos/ documentary & ancillary tasks: students also wanted to include the merchandise they created; though this was additional to the brief they enjoyed the creation of a promotional package so much they chose to make additional products. For AS, the final pages of the magazines are on a disc as well as the blogs. The disc contains jpgs of better quality.
44304 The Vale Academy
1] Alisha Evans 9277 http://alishaevansa2media.blogspot.co.uk/
2] Rebecca Reynolds 9341 http://beckyreynoldsa2media.blogspot.co.uk/
44303 Sir John Nelthorpe
1] Rebecca Dyer 8032 http://rebeccadyera2media.blogspot.co.uk/
2] Ellie Lockwood 8069 http://ellielockwoodadvancedproduction.blogspot.co.uk/
AS G321 Foundation Production Blogs.
There are 12 candidates. All students have individual blogs.
44304 The Vale Academy
Hannah Cobb 1153 http://hannahcobbasmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/
Emily Cowling 1157 http://emilycowlingasmediablog.blogspot.co.uk/
Lisa Heseltine 1183 http://lisaheseltineasmediablog.blogspot.co.uk/
Kayley Salter 9350 http://kayleysalterasmediablog.blogspot.co.uk/
Luke Simpson [name change from Seddon] 1239 http://lukeseddon.blogspot.co.uk/
Sarah Tear 9372 http://sarahtear1.blogspot.co.uk/
44303 Sir John Nelthorpe
Charlotte Beadle 9008 http://charlottebeadleasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/
Elle Grey 9049 http://mediaellegrey.blogspot.co.uk/
Shane Jackson 9063 http://asmediashanejackson.blogspot.co.uk/
Hannah McMinn 9079 http://hannahmcminnasmediablog.blogspot.co.uk/
Jolie Quirke 9124 http://joliequirkeasmediablog.blogspot.co.uk/
Patrick Wilson 9116 http://patrickwilsonmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/