Thursday, 19 November 2015

A2 Homework

Complete filming
Editing your music video in study periods
Post all preproduction paperwork
Revisit all feedback comments

AS Homework

• Respond to all comments on your feedback sheet. All in bold and the targets at the end. 

Plan and complete your next photo shoot
Selection & Rejection - upload your best three to Flickr for TA research. 
Post your photo shoot plan 
Post your organisation

Thursday, 12 November 2015

New technology: thinglink and homework

A2 Homework

Consider ways to use new technology in your updates. Respond to all comments. Use the feedback sheet.

Friday, 9 October 2015

AS Homework

Research front covers & contents pages of your chosen music genre
Research institutions - make sure you relate your findings to your own production and genre

Homework for up to and including half term

Research dps for your chosen genre. Remember to include theorists and language analysis.
Respond to targets and comments.

A2 homework up to and including half term

Revisit all comments
Improve research
Ensure: risk assessments, call sheets and shot lists are completed and posted
Ensure your journey is clear

Friday, 25 September 2015

A2 Homework

Research! Research! Research!
Similar products
Target Audience
Promo packages

Thursday, 24 September 2015

AS Homework

Ensure you have completed:
1] post the finished front cover for your college magazine
2] ensure you have posted the draft of the contents page
3] completed annotation of your front cover
4] Evaluation of the preliminary task
5]Evaluation of key skills

From today's lesson

RESEARCH – Front cover 1 [ scan in today’s grid]
RESEARCH – Front cover 2
RESEARCH – Front cover 3
You will need to do many research posts on front covers. Each front cover is a separate post. 
First, post what you have done in class. [ 1 post] This  should be done today. You can post the grid by scanning it in.

How can research be presented?

Front cover image and text.
Text with screen grabs – cutaways
Image with annotation
Bullet point list + cut aways
You must also try to refer to theory – Genre – Hartley/ Hodge and Kress + Steve Neale

Thursday, 10 September 2015

AS Homework

Plan your photographs for your front cover of the college magazine. 
Make up?

You need the plan on the blog. You need the resources with you next Thursday!

Adding a hyperlink

You cannot just paste it in! You have to use the link button....

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

AS Homework

Post all your learning on your blog. You could find a Q front cover online to post with your analysis.

Use your notes from class the semiotics handout. 
Challenge - add at least one image of a Q front cover to support your explanation/ analysis

Friday, 27 March 2015

Moderator - Links to the AS G321 and A2 G324 Media Blogs

Dear Moderator
We run a  combined 6th form college: The Vale Academy 44304 and Sir John Nelthorpe 44303. I have indicated which student belongs to which centre.

A2 G324 Advanced Production blogs.

There are two groups.  There are 4 candidates in total.
All students work: Final products & planning, construction and evaluation is on the blog however, discs have been burnt and sent containing better quality copies. For A2, the disc comprises the final music videos/ documentary & ancillary tasks: students also wanted to include the merchandise they created; though this was additional to the brief they enjoyed the creation of a promotional package so much they chose to make additional products. For AS, the final pages of the magazines are on a disc as well as the blogs. The disc contains jpgs of better quality.

44304 The Vale Academy

1] Alisha Evans    9277 

2] Rebecca Reynolds  9341

44303 Sir John Nelthorpe

1] Rebecca Dyer   8032

2] Ellie Lockwood  8069

AS G321 Foundation Production Blogs.

There are 12 candidates. All students have individual blogs.

44304 The Vale Academy

Hannah Cobb   1153

Emily Cowling  1157

Lisa Heseltine  1183

Kayley Salter   9350

Luke Simpson [name change from Seddon] 1239

Sarah Tear  9372

44303 Sir John Nelthorpe

Charlotte Beadle 9008

Elle Grey 9049      

Shane Jackson  9063

Hannah McMinn  9079

Jolie Quirke  9124 

Patrick Wilson  9116

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

AS & A2 Homework

Please read your answers and check/ edit word choices and spellings. Take care! Also ensure you are being fully evaluative: make clear your choices, decisions... why you made them! Upon reflection, where they the right decisions?

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

AS Media support

There will be support after college on Thursday with Miss King and Mr Clark if you are having problems finishing and perfecting your magazine pages. All pages must be printed and posted by the end of Friday. 


All evaluation questions must be completed and posted by Friday 13th February. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A2 Homework


Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q2:  How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Q4:  How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The final deadline is Friday February 13th.

AS Homework

Q 3
• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? •

Q4 & 5 Who would be the audience for your media product? • How did you attract/address your audience? •

Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? •

Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The deadline is February half term : 13th February 2015.

Monday, 12 January 2015

AS Homework


Q2 - this is a focus on representations and you should aim to include a theorist in this response.