Tuesday, 18 December 2012

A2 Christmas Homework

Ensure any research and planning for ancillary tasks is complete before your return on January 8th.
Miss King

Monday, 17 December 2012

AS Christmas Homework

AS Christmas Homework

Create a ppt for one question : How does your Media product represent particular social groups. 
Due Friday January 11th 2013.

Evaluation Tip - Prezi

Click the link and have a look! Remember - your evaluation is not an essay! You can use many different formats.

Friday, 14 December 2012

AS Homework Due Friday 21st December

All pages of your foundation production must be submitted by Friday 21st December. Your homework must be done in the Media Suite.

You MUST come up to Media to work on these pages in your time.

Miss King

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

A2 Homework

Make sure you are up in Media editing everyday...Deadline: Final film production to be burnt to disc wk beginning Monday 17th December - last chance will be Thursday 20th December.

Additionally - research of ancillaries should be completed and analysed. 
Start planning your ancillary tasks and post any and all drafts. 
Miss King

Monday, 10 December 2012

AS Homework

You will need to come up and use the Media Suite!

  1. Ensure planning is perfect!
  2. Rework, perfect and print/ post the Contents page.
  3. Begin work on your DPS.
  4. I have extended the DPS deadline to 4pm Monday 17th December
Miss King

Thursday, 6 December 2012

A2 Homework

For this homework, you will need to come up to the Media suite.

The homework is editing your music video and documentary.

Please make sure you spend at least another 2 hours a week on this.

Miss King