Tuesday, 18 December 2012

A2 Christmas Homework

Ensure any research and planning for ancillary tasks is complete before your return on January 8th.
Miss King

Monday, 17 December 2012

AS Christmas Homework

AS Christmas Homework

Create a ppt for one question : How does your Media product represent particular social groups. 
Due Friday January 11th 2013.

Evaluation Tip - Prezi

Click the link and have a look! Remember - your evaluation is not an essay! You can use many different formats.

Friday, 14 December 2012

AS Homework Due Friday 21st December

All pages of your foundation production must be submitted by Friday 21st December. Your homework must be done in the Media Suite.

You MUST come up to Media to work on these pages in your time.

Miss King

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

A2 Homework

Make sure you are up in Media editing everyday...Deadline: Final film production to be burnt to disc wk beginning Monday 17th December - last chance will be Thursday 20th December.

Additionally - research of ancillaries should be completed and analysed. 
Start planning your ancillary tasks and post any and all drafts. 
Miss King

Monday, 10 December 2012

AS Homework

You will need to come up and use the Media Suite!

  1. Ensure planning is perfect!
  2. Rework, perfect and print/ post the Contents page.
  3. Begin work on your DPS.
  4. I have extended the DPS deadline to 4pm Monday 17th December
Miss King

Thursday, 6 December 2012

A2 Homework

For this homework, you will need to come up to the Media suite.

The homework is editing your music video and documentary.

Please make sure you spend at least another 2 hours a week on this.

Miss King

Sunday, 25 November 2012


As and A2 - remember your deadlines and...
Keep posting!

Taking quality photographs

Mini lessons will start appearing on the linked pages. Please use these as well as the Lessons folder on the Macs

Friday, 23 November 2012

AS Homework

1. Complete all planning

2. Write the text for the DPS - publish and print for next Friday 30th November.

Remember your deadlines! 
In Media you need your time on Adobe making the best quality magazine pages you can. So make sure you organise time in college and at home to do as much as you can to raise your planning mark.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

A2 production and deadline

1. film schedules
2. storyboards
3. Capturing film on Final Cut
4. Uploading a rough cut to your blog with comments about future editing requirements and sound.

Deadline: filming to be finished : Thursday 29th November
Deadline: Rough Cut to be posted with comments : Thursday 6th December
Deadline: Final film production to be burnt to disc wk beginning Monday 17th December - last chance will be Thursday 20th December.


Monday, 19 November 2012

AS G321 deadlines

AS Magazine Deadlines

1. Front cover: Friday 30thNovember
2. Contents page: Friday 7thDecember
3. DPS: Friday 14thDecember

Mrs Beasley will come round and save on the date above. 

Friday, 16 November 2012

AS Homework

See all comments on your blog and edit work
See all previous planning posts.
Ensure all planning is done to the best of your ability.
Upload selection and rejection of photographs. Link to Flickr if you used it for peer assessment.
Publish any drafts of front cover, contents and DPS.
Miss King

Monday, 12 November 2012

AS Homework

See the previous post + you must have the photographs completed for Friday and be ready to upload - select & reject. You must be ready to work on Adobe.
Miss King

Friday, 9 November 2012

AS Homework

Planning Deadline - 1st december

Make sure the following is all completed:
1. All similar product research
2. Institutions and Audiences
3. TA analysis
4. Final Ideas
5. Organisation of actors, props, locations, equipment
6. Photo shoot plans

Take photographs! Remember - different mise en scene: locations, actors, costume and make up.

Next Monday, you should have some photographs to upload and select and reject from.

Extension: post photographs on Flickr

Miss King

Thursday, 8 November 2012

A2 homework

1. Complete all planning including schedules, storyboards [ also see previous hwk post] for marking on 1st December.
2. Using schedules and storyboards film! FILM! FILM!

Make sure you are well organised.

Miss King

Monday, 5 November 2012

AS homework

Ensure the TA research and analysis is complete.

You should be able to update your ideas and finalise decisions.

Friday's lesson - all should be on Photo shoot plans and planning the organisation of actors, locations, props , equipment etc.

On Friday - you will need to sign out cameras for the weekend and begin the photo shoot.

Miss King

Friday, 26 October 2012

AS Media homework

Deadline November 5th

1. Shared contents page analysis
2. Individual contents page analysis
Both of these should include codes and conventions, representations and language and register. Make sure you post images and highlight key media language terms.
3. TA blank survey form should be uploaded.
4. TA research/ survey should be completed
5. TA analysis should be completed
6. Changes to initial ideas - finalise your ideas making clear the changes you have had to make following TA analysis.
ALl this should be posted!
Miss King

Monday, 22 October 2012

AS homework

Make sure the following is complete for Friday!
1. Any gaps! EG missing dps and images
2. Post an example of your target audience research survey.
3. Complete TA research
4. Post shared contents page analysis.
Miss King

Friday, 19 October 2012

AS G321 Magazine Homework

1. Joint DPS analysis should have been posted - some of you have missed this deadline and it is now urgent!
2. At least one individual DPS analysis must go up
3. Post initial ideas based on the research so far.

Next week you must use your time wisely and come up and post all your work. From Monday i will expect all DPS research to be on your blog and you will begin to post your analysis/ research of contents pages.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

A2 G324 deadlines and content - to be done by 5th November

Our aim is to return after half term and be able to begin film schedules and storyboarding. Thus aim to complete the following:
1. Similar product research ; one with analysis of camera shots, angles, framing , ASL and editing.
2. Lyrics annotation [ language/ register and semiotics] + analysis - post.
    Documentary voice over, Q&A for interviews and any dialogue/ scripts + analysis - post
3. TA research  - post
4. TA research analysis + changes to ideas - post
5. Photo shoot plan for mise en scene - post
6. Photo's of location, models, props, costumes etc + comments and make links to ancillary tasks at this point -post
7. Institutions and industry
Miss King

Monday, 15 October 2012

AS G321 magazine homework

Make sure your similar product research : front covers and the joint DPS analysis is up on the blog before Friday's lesson.

You must be ready to upload your initial ideas on Friday [ if not already done].

You must be ready to study the contents of a whole music magazine!
Miss King

Friday, 12 October 2012

AS Homework G321

Make sure all front cover similar product research is complete and on the blog for Monday. Revisit , check comments and respond to them!
Miss King

Thursday, 11 October 2012

A2 Homework for Friday 19th

A2 homework Music Video and Documentary G324
1. Ensure your TA research is conducted and completed. You will need to bring it all in with you for analysis. Post as much as possible!
2. Ensure you have revisited all posts were we have made comments and that you have acted upon them.
Miss King

Monday, 8 October 2012

AS Media Homework

AS Music Magazine G321 Homework

Similar product research of front covers must be done for Friday. A minimum of two each. You must include an analysis of representations and how codes and conventions have been used. Make sure you link your research to your own production.
Miss King

Monday, 1 October 2012

AS Media homework for Friday

Make sure the following is on the blog by Friday!
1. Preliminary Task : front cover and contents
2. An Evaluation of learning so far.
3. Joint similar product research on the front cover you did in class : Music Magazine Front Cover - Similar Product Research

Miss King

Thursday, 27 September 2012

A2 Homework

A2 Documentary and Music Video G324

Your homework is to ensure all similar product research is completed by Tuesday2nd October.
Miss King
A2 students - re submitting G321

Make sure your similar product research is completed by Monday 1st October.
Next steps...
1. Update your initial ideas.
2. Research institutions - you must relate this to specific genres, target audience, representations and also think about demographics. Why is it the right choice for your magazine?
3. Plan your photoshoot for the front cover.
4. Plan and draft your front cover.

Miss King

Monday, 24 September 2012

AS work on blog

AS : You now have your blog! You must ensure that you post all your work to date on your blog. Remember headings and also to add your name so i know who has done what. You need to get all posted before Friday!

On Friday you will begin similar product research - it would be a good idea to bring in a music magazine of your chosen music genre. You will also need any and all handouts to date.

Miss King

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Homework : How has your chosen genre changed over time? This can be submitted on paper but a post on the blog would be preferable. You will need to post it on the blog anyway!
Miss King

Monday, 17 September 2012

A2 Media G324

Current tasks
Homework: To analyse your chosen music genre - due Thursday 20th Sept.

Begin similar product research. Make sure you refer to any theorists you have encountered on the course. Also, research the specific audience for that music video and the institution that produced and distributed it.
Miss King
New blog for AS and A2 Sept 2012.